Digital Guest Seminar with Dr. Neta Kela-Madar

18.01.2021 -  

In the digital classroom with Dr. Neta Kela-Madar from Shamoon College of Engineering, Israel.

20210118_Guest Seminar Neta

How do companies manage to thrive and remain relevant in the face of persistent, rapid technological change?

20 master students have encountered this question in the digital guest seminar on “Exponential Innovation – How to develop innovative products in corporates”. Together with Dr. Neta Kela-Madar from Shamoon College of Engineering in Israel, our international students discussed various case studies, learned about best practices and applied their newly acquired knowledge to multiple assignments.

Despite the fact that the whole seminar was held digitally via Zoom over the entire winter semester 2020/2021, students connected with each other and deeply engaged with the content. We thank Dr. Neta Kela-Madar for sharing her valuable insights with us!

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Last Modification: 18.01.2021 - Contact Person: Webmaster der Otto-von-Guericke-Universität Magdeburg